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February 17, 2009
Unwatchable Watchmen?
Warner Todd Huston has a very good article on the upcoming adaptation of Watchmen over at NewsBusters. He has smartly dissected the philosophies of the original comic book...er, graphic novel. His makes some strong points about the direction of our culture.

"We even have comic books that belittle heroism, that deconstruct the good and exceptional turning their heroes as cartoonishly flawed as the most obscene head case on the Jerry Springer Show.

When did entertainment turn so dark?"

The answer is when we introduced secularism as the central theme of our entertainment. That's a whole other post however.

Personally, I am very interested in seeing the film simply because I can intrigued by the notion its been made in the first place. I cannot see how this gets put on screen and remains intact and sensible. Heck, the comic book...er, graphic novel barely makes sense.

Click on Ozymandias to view the trailer

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Anonymous Heather W. said...

I saw the film and am now reading the graphic novel. Although as a superhero genre fan I'll say that I find the story intellectually engaging, I also can say so as a Christian. If anything, the secularization of our culture's entertainment is a constant revelation and reminder of how much humanity needs Christ. It is always uncomfortable to be confronted with human depravity, but as Christians we know that we must admit that depravity and die to it in Christ in order to be changed.

In comics like Superman, the main character is a messianic figure--Watchmen presents a world in which such a figure is entirely absent. It's a disturbing world, but also a accurate reflection of what we are without Christ, and this is an important thing to be aware of.

HOWEVER--I could have done without the very graphic sex scenes in the movie. Since when does "R" mean "porn", I ask?


Heather W.

April 17, 2009 at 2:52 PM  
Anonymous Paul said...

I was not shocked by this film, which continues along the path of desensitization which is part of Hollywood's mandate to bring about sympathy for antichrist and his mark. Notice Dr. Manhattan bears the symbol of an atom on his forehead... this fulfills the prophecy that the mark of the beast will be the number of a man (adam = atom = ATM). Also notice he goes to Mars, in line with antichrist's worship of a 'god of war' (Mars). Then the more obvious usurping of the role of creator of life, etc. Some have remarked his character is gentle, but recall his blowing various people to smithereens in the film. The whole bent of the vigilantes is lawlessness. I think the watchmen are representative of the fallen angels mentioned in Genesis and Enoch ('The Watchers'), who sinned by going into women and teaching humanity about technology and drugs. Note how slick Hollywood makes hand and face scanning seem, to pursue the theme of desensitization, even to the point now that Americans think it part of 'peace and safety' (read security) to cause people at borders entering to have a retinal and hand scan... we are like the frog, slowly being boiled...

September 3, 2009 at 10:50 PM  

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