My friend Jeff from BURTONIA has seen The Dark Knight and has come away with the following reasons why you should go find something better to do with your time than spend over two hours with a guy in a rubber suit.

- The film borders on pastiche. It's Spider-Man 3 meets American Gangster meets Bourne Ultimatum meets Batman. The most epic thing about the movie is the titanic clash of genres.
- Shouldn't there be some upside from living in the age of the sound bite and short attention spans? Not when it comes to blockbuster summer movies, apparently. One hundred fifty-three minutes! It took Orson Welles just under two hours to unpack a man's entire life, and it takes a third of a workday for Batman to catch the Joker? I fear some are confusing richness and complexity with sheer running length.
- Is it too much to ask that a Batman movie be about…Batman? One of the film's recurrent tricks is to have the de-caped crusader hide in the shadows, listening to someone else talk. That's a great metaphor for the character's role – he's watching his own movie.
- Stripped down to its essentials, a story poses a question in the beginning and then spends the rest of your time answering it. This one has three weighty queries (Does one have to become evil to fight evil? Can people retain their humanity in the face of extremity? Is our destiny determined by chance or will?). If those aren't enough, there are a number of ancillary questions (What is a hero? Which guy will the girl pick? Can you get salt poisoning from eating popcorn for 2.5 hours?). There is no way this movie can do justice to all that (though I can answer that very last one).
Labels: Batman, guest review, movie review, superhero
Wow. Would Jeff get snippy, too, about having to make a trip to the bank if someone wrote him a check for a billion dollars? :) I disagree with just about all four of his points, here. The movie was a blast. But I suppose it's possible to find a reason (or four) to complain about anything in the world.
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