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July 3, 2010
Movie Trailer: The Man From Nowhere
Crap isn't just an American problem.

The opening looks like a commercial. Then it turns into...I don't know what...he's walking and he's damp, now he's beating up some guy, back to the walking...huh?

What is the deal with the Asians and their penchant for putting sissy music over their tough guys? He's tough but sensitive? Really? Sure, he will collapse your eye socket with a brick but afterward he will feel a bit gloomy over it. He's a teddy bear at heart.

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Anonymous K said...

What is the deal with the Asians and their penchant for putting sissy music over their tough guys?

It's Korean. It's a soap opera, like most of their stuff. And it's probably our fault. We sent our c*appy TV soaps over there and they were so impressed they made it their national culture.

So quit bitching about it. Imagine how bad it would be to grow up with that as your national culture.

July 3, 2010 at 10:35 PM  

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