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July 17, 2010
Movie Trailer: Alpha and Omega
They almost made it all the way through the commercial without a rectal reference - so close.

Doesn't seem to be much of a concept. Doesn't seem to be much of a call to see. Doesn't seem like it any good. Just my opinion. It delivers a whole bunch of "meh".

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Anonymous K said...

News item in the last month:

Feminists are becoming concerned as the proportion of women college students is beginning to exceed 60 percent. Women are also enjoying a much higher graduation rate than men.

Hence the majority of women will no longer have the option to "marry up" and more and more men will have to couple with women who are better educated with higher paying and more responsible jobs.

With what seems amazing timing, here comes a movie about a wolf pack run by an "alpha female" and the relationship between her and the lowly slacker "Omega" wolf.

Some totally "off the wall" predictions about this film, where the Alpha and Omega get lost and the pack is taken over by another wolf:

1. The Alpha and Omega find love together.
2. The Omega helps the Alpha gain her position of leadership again, over a MALE rival for pack leadership.

Of course, I could be totally wrong here. Maybe the Omega will gain his confidence in the wild and become the new Alpha with the old Alpha as his mate.

Bwahahahahahaha! Right.

July 17, 2010 at 3:39 PM  

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