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May 24, 2010
Movie Trailer: Looking for Eric
Notice the opening, when asked to name someone they want to emulate the names Fidel Castro and Gandhi are tossed out immediately. This is a bit of (probably unintentional) social marketing reinforcement. The two men being listed next to one another without a comment on Castro's inclusion is an acceptance that he is someone worth emulating.

Since a public figure's history doesn't matter why not just name Pol Pot or Hitler why you're at it. Castro is a murdering thug. To hear his name so casually tossed about is sickening. If you're ignorant that's your issue, stop sharing it with everyone else.

Then again, this is a movie about a grown man who emulates a sports star. He wants to be like a man who plays a game for a living. Why not emulate someone who actually does something worthwhile?

Sheesh, this one has me sounding cranky.

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