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May 20, 2010
Movie Trailer: Artois the Goat
The plot summary from IMDb:

Lab technician Virgil Gurdies embarks on an epic quest to create the greatest goat cheese the world has ever known, and reclaim the heart of his beloved Angie. A felonious German baker, a grave-digging hermit, and a tiny white goat color this journey of love, destiny and dairy products.

And this trailer makes me want to at least check it out. They had me at Virgil's first line in the ad. I really, really hope this isn't some lowbrow, amoral indie piece of junk.

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Anonymous Joi said...

That trailer was delightful! I hope the film itself isn't just an empty bit of highly stylized insanity.

May 20, 2010 at 11:30 PM  

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