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April 14, 2010
Movie Trailer: Leaves of Grass
Given that Tim Blake Nelson helms this production, I had high hopes. I hear Ed Norton is on board. Okay, he's got a shaky track record, not the best sign. Then the trailer comes out and at first it just looks like another "hey, dem Southerners r jus so frickin stoopid!" flick. Ed gets a chance to dress-up and play redneck. Still, I could spot some personality in the clips.

Richard Dreyfuss' overacting mug appears. Dreyfuss? Great. This guy couldn't find a good script it if was tattooed on the inside of his eyelids.

Still, Dreyfuss early career is nothing to sneeze at and he surprised me in What About Bob? and his snarling performance in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead.

Then comes Susan Sarandon.

That's it! I'm tapping out. As far as I'm concerned, her presence in a production automatically reduces the product to being nothing less than sanctimonious, leftist, social engineering pap. The woman has become my cinematic kryptonite.

And I really wanted to go into this one wanting to like it, dang.

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Screenwriter: Tim Blake Nelson
Director: Tim Blake Nelson (O)
Actors: Edward Norton (American History X), Tim Blake Nelson (O'Brother Where Art Thou?), Susan Sarandon (Dead Man Walking), Keri Russell (We Were Soldiers) and Richard Dreyfuss (Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead)

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