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April 30, 2010
Movie Trailer: The Kids Are All Right
There is so much social marketing going on in this trailer I am at a loss to being pointing it all out.

Lesbian moms, both attractive of course, because lesbians tend to look a lot like Julianne Moore and less like Madeline Albright, have two embarrassed and wanting children. They are doing just fine and then the slacker guy who donated his sperm comes into their lives and attempts to become the paterfamilias.

The New York Times blurbs "a generous, nearly note-perfect portrait of a modern family"

You see, its the modern family. One would have to assume if your house is based in a stable fashion, y'know, one with a mom and dad who are married and refrain from making jokes about fellatio over dinner with their children present, you aren't modern - you're out of step.

This is social marketing through and through. If you don't know what social marketing is, its what people used to call propaganda. I don't mind movies with homosexual characters or references, I hate movies that presume to tell me its no different than heterosexuality.

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Anonymous K said...

What makes media programming or social marketing even more facile and banal is the fact that it's always in lock step with the issue de jour. If the left media complex decides it's AGW this year, then we get characters are taking their bicyles and getting run down by Republicans in SUVs. If it's gay marriage then it's "just plain folks" gay characters and the E-vel bigoted religionists who try to kill them.

Since the progs run Hollywood and the MSM, it's difficult not to be aware of the important issue of the day is and therefore have a good general idea what the plot, theme and resolution of the next big critically acclaimed movie will be.

May 1, 2010 at 1:52 AM  

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