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March 9, 2010
Paranormal Activity (2009)
Should I see it?

At first blush I want to claim that a person's expectation of enjoying this film is directly proportional to their general intelligence. This gimmick-flick is the stuff that enthralls air-headed high school kids and slow-witted college dorm rats.

Truth be told, I enjoyed it. I didn't love it. I'm not proud of even liking it. As much as I would like to spend this review absolutely destroying this movie, I can't. The stupid thing did its job.

The premise is simple enough. Take Blair Witch Project, make the actors better dressed but just as hollow, and hold the proceedings in someones brother's suburban house. The movie shows the home video of Katie and Micah, two vapid dopes who are being threatened at night by a mysterious demonic presence. As the footage piles up from the couple filming their experiences, the attacks by the presence become more aggressive and spooky. Then things pretty much go as expected.

I think the reason I enjoyed the film so much is because writer/director Oren Peli has provided one of the best examples of working with what's available. Peli has next to nothing as far as resources on screen. His actors are lame, his premise is worn and the film is shot on the cheap. Even with these restrictions he is very clever in how he presents the demonic force and builds tension. I have applaud the inventive solutions he finds to cover for his lack of funds and resources.

Simply enjoying a film isn't enough however. The downside to the film is the character's reactions to their dilemma. Katie is being personally attacked by a demonic force. What do they do? Do they confer with a religious figure? Nope. Do they attempt a exorcism? Nope. Do they burn the house down and move to Idaho? Nope. They bring in some feckless local psychic who does nothing to alleviate their problem.

If Peli had taken the demonic force more seriously on a metaphysical level, the film could have found some depth. As it stands, we're basically watching two morons being tormented more by Peli's need to remain under budget than by the demon in the script. The thing is, sometimes it is fun watching morons being tormented.

Peli has no problem broaching the use of demonic elements but can't commit and bring things full circle. Having the characters deal with a demon but then avoid even discussing the theological ramifications of their predicament simply isn't real. Even the most ardent atheist would have to ponder things given the situation. Avoiding the subject of God here has to be an intentional omission and it shows Peli wasn't willing to fully work his material.

Note: If you're being harassed by a demonic force here are some tips:

1. Don't immediately decide to film the events and remain isolated in your bedroom
2. Don't bring in a psychic. You'll just have some former pothead wandering through your home wide-eyed claiming that there is a "presence" and it "wants you to pay twenty more dollars to hear what it has to say."
3. Do bring in the authorities - a CHRISTIAN priest or pastor. You know, someone who can actually help.

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