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January 6, 2010
Australia (2008)
Should I see it?

Writer/Director Baz Luhrmann has made a sweeping film that can be summed up the same way I would sum up its female lead Nicole Kidman.

Just because something is beautiful doe not mean it is worth paying money to see.

There was a great deal of effort and expectation put behind this production. With all of the wonderful cinematography and breathless acting, the film is waaaaay toooooo loooooong and far to aware of itself.

This film will remind you of Gone With the Wind (the connection is unavoidable) and this production does not do well by the comparison. Since this is the case, I have to recommend you forget this one and go see the classic.

Related Reviews:
Nicole Kidman movies
The Interpreter (2005)
The Stepford Wives (2006)

Other Critic’s Reviews:
Critic After Dark

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