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January 5, 2010
May 6th (2004)
Should I see it?

On November 2nd, 2004 Mohammed Bouyeri, in an act completely unheard of from practitioners of the very modern and very intellectually rigorous "religion of peace" shot director Theo Van Gogh eight times, slashed his throat (nearly taking his head off), and then stabbed him leaving two knives embedded in the artist's body. Why? Well, ol' Theo thought perhaps some of those involved in the "religion of peace" were perhaps a little reactionary. Apparently, Theo was wrong.

Van Gogh's last film, 06/05 fictionalizes the assassination of the Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn. Fortuyn was a former communist politican who took a stridently anti-Mulsim immigration stance. Odd that he would find himself the victim of an assassination.

Van Gogh's film is a slow, brewing story of intrigue and murder. It is also a very intimate film with an enthralling realness to the scenes. This is not a masterwork by any means but it is a strong effort. The performances are good, but not memorable and Van Gogh's script seems a little unfinished when taken as a whole. His strength is seen in the quiet moments between characters - the breif interactions and personal touches.

He was a thoughtful film maker and storyteller who was clearly moving towards even more impressive works. I can't imagine someone who could form a delicate scenes like some that are found in this film would do anything but develop into a serious international voice.

I guess we'll never know. Theo got peaced to death for having an opinion.

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