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November 25, 2009
Sleeping Beauty (1959)
Should I see it?

While not the best, it is one of Disney’s more memorable films. This is a case where the villain outshines the hero. The villain Maleficent is a fully conceived, potent nasty who overwhelms the precious heroine Princess Aurora. Aurora is a wisp of a girl who has little going on other than her relationship with Prince Phillip.

The film is well structured and still entertains even in this age of hyperactive, screaming animated flicks. For a break from the breakfast cereal commercials with plots that comprise a bulk of the animated films released these days, this calm, intricately created classic is well worth your consideration.

Related Reviews:
Animated movies
The Care Bears Movie (1985)
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Other Critic’s Reviews:
Decent Films Guide
The Onion A.V. Club

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Anonymous pgepps said...

It's one of my favorites. I think I always loved that the Prince actually had to fight off a dragon with a sword in this one, not just show up at the right minute to kiss the maiden and whisk away to happy-ever-after-land.

November 26, 2009 at 1:41 AM  
Anonymous Scott Nehring said...

Back when men did manly things. If this was made today the Prince would be a divorced father of three brats who was in-between jobs and unable to commit...and the dragon would be a CEO.

November 26, 2009 at 7:02 AM  

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