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March 12, 2009
A Scanner Darkly (2006)
Should I see it?

Short Review: A movie dumbly.

What's worse than a boring, pointless movie? A boring, pointless movie coated in intensely irritating animation. Writer/Director Richard Linklater (Dazed and Confused, Slackers) is responsible for this dismal yawn fest. To water this down, this is a bunch of bored actors portraying unattractive people yammering through seemingly endless strings of meaningless dialog. Every scene is bookmarked by an intrusive soundtrack that blasts during transitions. Linklater's script is surprisenly bad for someone who's been a professional screenwriter for so long. The dialog is wandering and at times completely incoherent. The characters offer no reason to like them. Its fine if the characters are dispicable people but it is only common sense for the writer to find something positive to give the audience to connect with. Linklater avoids this not because he's making a point, but because he's either ignorant of the flaw or too lazy to fix it.

Bad script. Lifeless acting. Grating animation. Don't bother.

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