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February 23, 2009
Kung Fu Panda (2008)
Should I see it?

As a rule I loathe films with Jack Black. I know the man has his fans, I ain’t one of em’. If I want to see an out of shape, unwashed guy act kooky I’ll ask my brother-in-law about politics. I don't think there is a film with Jack Black that I have enjoyed, until now.

Along with my rule about films with Jack Black, I have another regarding non-Pixar animated movies – in short, they stink. Pixar revolutionized big budget animated movies and have established the measure for the genre. Animated movies now fit into two categories, 1) Pixar movies forgettable animated crap. This is the first animated film (except Wallace & Gromit) made in the last twenty that has made it into the first group from the second. The story centers around a bumbling Chinese panda named Po. Po dreams of fighting alongside his heroes Furious Five -- Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper and Monkey. Predictably enough, he gets his chance when he is accidentally chosen to join their ranks and do battle with the villainous snow leopard Tai Lung. The plot isn’t brilliant; actually it is rather paint-by-the-numbers. The film works because of the clever dialog and animation. The script by former King of the Hill writers Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger is lighthearted yet smart. The cast, which includes Black along with Angelina Jolie, Dustin Hoffman, Jackie Chan, Ian McShane and Seth Rogen is given plenty of space to perform and they each deliver. I have to admit that even Jack Black gives an impressive performance as Po. As much as I hate to admit it, he was the best choice for the role.

A majority of animated films, despite that they are made to be viewed by small children, are loaded down with sexual innuendos, political agendas and scatological jokes. This film avoids those traps and delivers a solid, family friendly film worthy of your consideration.

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Animated movies
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Other Critic’s Reviews:
Film Freak Central Review

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Anonymous K said...

I liked it better than "Wall-E", in the same way I like Chuck Jones Looney Toons over the more staid and stiff Disney shorts. Just plain entertaining films with universal themes are getting harder to find, even in the animation demographic.

If "Wall-E" were released during a period less hysterically green I could overlook it's message. But right now it's like a movie about the beauty of the "heimat" in 1933 Germany.

February 23, 2009 at 1:58 PM  

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