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February 5, 2009
Dead Poets Society (1989)
Should I see it?

Short Review: It’s a little like Lean on Me but with WASPs.

To quote my Geddy Lee Lovin’ Brother-in-Law, “I like that Robin Williams movie, y’know, the one where he plays the enlightened funny man.”

Robin Williams, like cancer screenings, is not a funny thing to behold. With a resume that is impossible to read aloud without groaning insistently, Williams has remarkably little to offer for all of his years of service almost entertaining the public. This film may be the best one of his career. This is primarily because the film does a wonderful job working around Williams’ penchant for upstaging his own material.

This is not a great film, but it is a pleasant watch. It is very manipulative, pushy and it makes absolutely no sense when its logic is pressed even slightly. Despite its flaws its message that life is fleeting, use your time wisely and live life to the fullest, is delivered in a comfy package. John Keating (Williams) is an enlightened funny man…er, English teacher who offers inspiring classes to the sons of the rich and powerful. Keating uplifts the boys even though the rigid, social order of the school intends to squelch the life of out them. Even though screenwriter Tom Schulmans’ (8 Heads in a Duffel Bag) script is often more coercive than a presidential election ad, there are moments of note that make this worth viewing at least once.

Related Reviews:
Night at the Museum (2006)
The Final Cut (2004)

Other Critic's Reviews:
Siskel & Ebert

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Anonymous Darrell said...

AAAGGHH! This is a film I rail against, and I think you've given it far to easy a pass. Now, granted, I admit that I'm not objective about this film. I tend to turn into a raving lunitic when I talk about it... but it really does represent everything I hate in movies.

It is very manipulative, pushy and it makes absolutely no sense when its logic is pressed even slightly.

So I gotta ask, how can it be pleasant to watch? I found it totally frustrating. And it's muddled and totally wrong message about what a teacher is actually supposed to DO just agrivates me to the point that I'm a twitching, yelling, irrational mess.

Personally, I don't think this movie is fit to burn for warmth. It's evil. EEEEEVVIIILLLL! AAAAGGGHHHH!!!

OK, I feel better now.

February 6, 2009 at 1:35 PM  

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