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January 11, 2009
Bangkok Dangerous (2008)
Should I see it?

Nicholas Cage seems to have fallen into a rut of making three kinds of films:

1. Quirky, but nicely shot, films about an existential mope who learns to overcome his personality flaws in order to be happy (The Weather Man, Matchstick Men, Lord of War)

2. Loud McMovies with tons of fire and Cage gritting his teeth while he shoots a gun in slow motion (or is being shot at in slow motion). These usually are about an existential mope who learns to overcome his personality in order to be happy, while also fulfilling a grand heroic quest (National Treasure, The Rock, Con-Air).

3. Quirky, but nicely shot, McMovie wannabes that have tons of fire and Cage gritting his teeth while he shoots a gun in slow motion (The Wicker Man, Next, Ghost Rider). Usually these films center around an existential mope who learns to overcome his personality flaws in order to be happy, while also fulfilling a grand heroic quest that doesn't make any sense and/or elicits any excitement.

This movie is from the third category.

Cage portrays a hit man who, everybody say it with me, is doing just one last job. Technically, its four jobs but it doesn't really matter. What does mattersis that ol' Nick sleepwalks through the whole production. If you think you're bored watching the movie, I can't imagine how desperately bored Cage must have been. I swear some of his lines sound like they trail off into yawns.

There is no reason to see this film. It doesn't offer a compelling character study. The action sequences are pedestrian when they're at their best. The dialog is dry and without depth. Its as if they made this movie while waiting to make another. The whole thing feels distracted and done without much effort. Have you ever walked into a restaurant just before they closed down the grill? Some of the chairs are on the tables and the staff is mingling around offering you unfriendly glances? Sure you get served but there's a vibe that those serving you have better things they'd rather be doing. That's what it felt like watching this movie.

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Nicholas Cage movies
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