Should I see it?Yes.

The producers of this film are a tenacious lot. Their behind the scenes work marketing this film has been very strong but also polite (which is uncommon, trust me). They were so nice that when they called me at home last year to alert me of their film, it didn't even feel like a marketing call. They deserve a good amount of credit for tackling the marketing issue of this film so effectively. I was pleasantly surprised by this film. To be completely honest, I thought I was in for yet another low-budget, low talent, Christian film with too much agenda and not enough good writing. This film thankfully manages to avoid the heavy handed sermonizing it could have displayed and relies on its characters to deliver the message - just like a movie should.Eduardo Verástegui and Tammy Blanchard (Stealing Harvard) star in this story about a former soccer player Jose (Verástegui) who comes to the aid of Nina (Blanchard) who is newly unemployed and pregnant. The script by writer director Alejandro Gomez Monteverde and Patrick Million and Leo Severino does a very good job of developing the relationship between these two characters and giving them a reason to fall in love. Where the film shines however is in its secondary characters and environment. The people who populate the film are quite real. In many films the supporting characters tend to be shallow plot props written to give the lead a hand in moving the story forward. Here, the supporting characters appear to have depth and value on their own. The development of the world Nina and Jose exist in is also well developed and interesting. In many instances theres a slight documentary feel to the scenes. Given the low budget of this film it is likely the sets were real locations that weren't dressed up too much for the shoot. This works in favor of the film, grounding it in reality and giving many scenes a warm personal touch.The acting is quite strong. Verástegui and Blanchard are charismatic and have some chemistry working together. Verástegui in particular stands out as a strong lead. Despite his accent he has the toughest job in the film given his character's backstory. He also has to act through this bristly beard that smothers most of his face. While he may look like Cat Stevens, he does well to work past it. The beard and long hair are actually a good idea. I am a firm believer that an actor can be too good looking. Catherine Zeta-Jones is a good example. I'm sorry, she's simply too good looking to play most parts. Someone who looks like her seems out of place as a stewardess or banker - she's a model. People who look like models stand out too much in ordinary circumstances and distract from the movie. Verástegui has this problem, he's clearly a model and looks like one. Covering his mug with hair disguises this and normalizes his character. It is also very effective when placed in context of his character. Many Christians have applauded the film as being "anti-abortion" and if you read much on this film the subject of abortion will surely come up. Its important to note that this is not overtly pro-life in a heavy-handed, "you're going to get this message whether your want it or not" way. Thankfully, the message is there, albeit indirectly. Overall, as I mentioned, this film avoids being overly preachy and relies on the relationship between Nina and Jose to get its points across. That is the primary reason I recommend this quiet but well delivered film.Related Reviews:
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Other Critic's Reviews:
World Magazine
Rotten TomatoesLabels: Christian film, film, movie review, Tammy Blanchard
Thanks Scott. I've been waiting for this one from you.
Very interesting! You've made me want to see it. I really, really like it when folks manage to put together a good film hospitable to or even openly supportive of Christian hope, but of course it is hard to avoid preaching. That said, I am less bothered by "preaching" in by-Christians-for-Christians efforts with a fairly obvious teaching intention.
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