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January 2, 2008
Can One Be Christian and Sarcastic at the Same Time? Let's Find Out Together
Welcome to the relaunch of Good News Film Reviews. For those of you who have no idea who I am, my name is Scott Nehring. Previously, I ran a site named Nehring the Edge. On that site I cranked out over 1,300 movie reviews since 2005. Some were picked up by Reuters, USAToday, and a number of local news stations around the U.S. I also hosted the Carnival of Cinema for over a year. I had a pretty good run on that site but something was always missing from the posts.

Luckily, I had a devastating heart attack last September. How could this possibly be lucky? Well, for starters I survived - which is good for my family - bad for my neighbor who is going to have to continue to languish living next to a guy who steadfastly refuses to perform basic lawn care. This was also good because like most people who've done the mambo with the Grim Reaper, I have been forced to look at my life. Unfortunately for me, this was a little like shoving a dog's nose into the dank plop its left on the carpet.

I did an inventory of my life and I found that while I was doing great in many areas, some portions of my life were lacking...alright, they were downright pathetic. Like most people who have skipped through the tulips of the Valley of Death I also have been made more acutely aware of theological concerns. I'm not a deathbed convert since I'm proud to say I've been saved for a few years now. That said, it dawned on me that what was missing from my posts was God. My original concept for Nehring the Edge was to blend my Christian worldview with my knowledge of cinema. I drifted away from that. I decided that a redo was in order. Thus, this site.

I had begun this site prior to my heart attack as a personal sounding board as I worked on my book about how Christians can become more active in media tentatively titled What to Do After You've Done Nothing. Now, this is my permanent home. While some of my Christian brothers and sisters may find my tone and approach to be a tad sarcastic and those of you who are educated will be deeply annoyed by my liberal attitude toward grammar, I hope you will find something of use here.

What can you expect? I will review films, lots of films. I review what I see, when I see it. I will also provide you with links to movie trailers and will provide commentary on items I find interesting. I will also continue to host the Carnival of Cinema and will begin posting it in the coming weeks. If you have requests or questions you'd like for me to field send me an e-mail. I'd be happy to respond. For those filmmakers out there, send me your movies and I will have a look. Most importantly, I will come to my reviews with a Christian sensibility and hopefully honor God with my efforts.

Please note, I don't buy into the line of thinking that it is somehow more "Christian" to be nice all of the time. I mock and insult those who lead us astray or simply waste our precious time with bad movies. To answer the tagline question to this blog, "Is it is a sin for a moron to call an imbecile an idiot?" the answer is no - provided the imbecile in question is indeed acting like an idiot. The way I see things, God gave us senses of humor and it seems to be a terrible waste to not use them - as long as we mock the works of men and not God.

If all of this sounds good to you, then you've found a site to bookmark. If not, well, I hope you have a long fruitful life you humorless, uptight creature.

To give you an idea of some of my basic thoughts on Christianity and film, I have a number of posts from my original launch of this site here:

I hope you'll enjoy my work. Let the bad grammar commence.

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Anonymous Pat Stream said...


January 3, 2008 at 6:21 AM  
Anonymous Julie D. said...

YAY - you're back!!!! WOOHOO!!!

January 3, 2008 at 12:01 PM  
Anonymous Jeff Burton said...

welcome back.

January 3, 2008 at 4:18 PM  
Anonymous Leticia said...

Jesus had some pretty withering comments for those Pharisees. . . I wouldn't worry about your tone!

January 3, 2008 at 10:57 PM  
Anonymous Rick the "Bean Counter" said...

Better to be the Dog's nose shoved into the plop on the carpet than to be the plop on the carpet.

January 4, 2008 at 12:39 PM  

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