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September 29, 2007
Only Mostly-Dead
***Cross-Posted over at Nehring the Edge***

Thank you to everyone who sent their prayers and well wishes for my recovery. I am home now and am on the mend.

I had a heart attack and had to be revived twice. The type of heart attack I had is referred to as "The Widow Maker", a fact my long suffering wife is very aware of. Less than 5% of people who have this kind of arrest survive.

For a look at what happened to my heart, please review this clip:

In other words, I am a very blessed man. I praise God for his work in my life. Even for non-believers I know, the chain of events leading to the heart attack that resulted in my life being saved appears to be nothing less than miraculous.

Again, for the number of churches, church groups, prayer groups and individuals who prayed on my behalf over the past week, I cannot thank you enough. Praise the Lord.




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