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July 28, 2007
The Simpsons Movie (2007)
Should I see it?
If you love the show, otherwise no.

While funny, there is no reason to see this in the theater. Its’ a blown up version of the television show. The translation to the big screen isn’t remarkable enough to spend money at the box office.

Homer Simpson befouls the environment with pig feces. The area becomes so awful the whole town of Springfield is quarantined. Homer and his family escape the town and move to Alaska. Eventually, they return to save their suffering hometown. The story told is passable and holds enough comedic moments to do its job. It isn’t anything special or more interesting than what you will find in reruns on television.

Overall, this is a funny film but it does contain a good deal of low brow humor including a shot of Bart Simpsons’ penis. This is much like the television series – it is often crass and it is not intended for small children.

Worldview: The movie, like the television show, is split on its beliefs. While Homer loathes church, the film shows Grampa Simpson receiving a message from God (or at least a spotlight streaming from the heavens). Moments later, Homer looks at the Bible and explains “This book doesn’t have any answers!” This is a ironic joke, poking fun at Homer’s ignorance.

***Spoiler Warning***
From this point forward I’ll be mentioning things that may ruin the film for you. If you haven’t seen the film yet you may want to avoid the remainder of this post

Later in the film Homer receives enlightenment from a goofy Inuit ritual. He has a vision and the trees provide him wisdom. In other words, the Bible contains no answers for the dimwitted hero but bellowing in a tent is the way to go. It says something that after Homer has his vision quest and returns with his pearl of wisdom he is shown on the floor in a Christ post. The movie is comfortable with mocking Christianity but holds respect for whatever other religious thought it can find. Viewers of the show will not be shocked. This is the show after all that felt it was good to have a Christmas episode which was actually a commercial for Buddhism while dismissing Christian belief at the same time.

Production Notes: The move to the big screen means the filmmakers were free of the television censors and were to do whatever they wanted. Instead of restraining their impulses it seems the filmmakers couldn’t help themselves. This show isn’t exactly Shakespeare but there is something to be said about not delving into filth just because you can. Again, I know this is The Simpsons and they are supposed to be sardonic but do we need to see them doing drugs and listen to them swear? I know we don’t need to see Bart’s naked wiener. This is a little like complaining that Beavis and Butthead tends to be off-color but there is something to be said about having a modicum of self-respect.

Cautions: This is The Simpsons. There is plenty of low brow humor including jokes about homosexuality, drug use, drinking and other morally questionable behaviors. This stated, if you’re able to handle this material, you will find this to be a humorous film. But just because you laugh at something it doesn’t mean its good for you. Like with the show, if you approach it knowing what to expect you’ll be better off.

Other Reviews:
Nehring the Edge

Animated Films:
Hoodwinked (2005)
Ratatouille (2007)

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