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July 9, 2007
This Site is Still Under Construction
If you're wondering if I'm going to review Evan Almighty a few more times, the answer is no. As I get this site off the ground, I will be making many changes. I am playing around with the format of my reviews. The original review I posted of this film was the same as I posted on my other site Nehring the Edge. I then figured, the concept of that site is different than this one and if you can get the same content on both, what's the point?

The reviews on this site will delve more into "worldview" and the messages of the films. I will begin each review with a simple up or down vote as well. The end of the reviews will contain the possible offensive items such as language and nudity.

I hope this format will work. Again, I'm building this as I go along. Let me know what you think as I continue onward.

Thank you for your patience.

Next, I will discuss being a cinematic glutton.




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