Should I see this movie? That question is the usual opening line to most folk’s thought processes towards cinema. The question has a couple of meanings depending on where one stands. The non-Christian could mean “Do I have time to see this movie?”, “Do I want watch another Chick Flick” or “It’s got Ben Affleck in it, do I want to see him publicly pretend that he can act for two hours?” The Christian when they pose the question can mean these things as well. They can also mean “Will this film sully my soul, sour my resolve and propel me on a theological downward spiral from which I will eternally plummet?” As it turns out, Christians tend to have more going on than if Ben Affleck can act or not.*Christians rightfully look at film through the lens of their faith. We know that the consumption of some films will indeed harm us or worse insult God. It is correct for a Christian to approach the cinema with the same caution they do television or other media. If you believe something will cause you harm or will lure your mind in an unhealthy direction; it is wise to avoid that thing. Concerning film, we should be as careful as when we consider reading a book, watching a television show or talking to the lady down the street who pukes out gossip at you like a mother bird feeding her young. Making judgements is good. It’s when one stops making judgements, that things usually start to get a little wonky. The judgements we make towards film tend to push us into three different Christian audience types.1. The faithful can, and in my estimate too often do, avoid any movie that even sounds remotely controversial. These G-Rated Christians have the Ned Flanders view of the world and avoid conflict and temptation at all costs. While it is a positive to avoid things that will tempt you, many Christians have become too comfortable throwing out the baby with the holy bathwater. 2. The less discerning amongst us will simply try drinking from the cultural fire hose. The gluttonous will consume any crummy morsel Hollywood tosses in their direction. This libertine approach isn’t a hallmark of those who are stringent in their faith but is usually seen in the CEO (Christmas and Easter Only) Christians.3. The more moderate approach is probably the most common. Most Christians are rightfully cautious when selecting entertainment products. Publicly they will scorn the foulness of Hollywood and then go home a watch CSI that displays a murder investigation into the death of a transsexual stripper who was shot up outside of a S&M juice bar. The moderate carefully nibbles away but often gets sick from the guilt over what they’ve seen.Moving forward, we will look at each of these approaches and consider their pros and cons. Is avoidance the righteous choice? What about the argument that “Its only a movie?” What does it matter what I watch? Next, I will look at the pros and cons of being a G-Rated Christian.
* - He can't.
Labels: audience, Christian culture, commentary
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