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September 7, 2010
Guest Review: Grizzly Man (2005)
Willing Participant caught this ode to stupidity on The Discovery Channel and wanted to let you know what he thought.

Grizzly Man

This movie is one of the most important movies made in a VERY long time. It provides crucial insight for anyone who wants an overview of the classic liberal agenda and, moreover, the liberal state of mind. The crux of the film is this: Timothy Treadwell films himself in first person over thirteen summers in Alaska "studying" Grizzly bears by intruding on their habitat and trying to become one of them. Ultimately, he and his girlfriend are mauled and eaten by said bears, and the film is made after his death.

The beauty of this film lies in the fact that Hollywood wackos literally all across the world are falling over themselves praising the genius of the film. What they fail to realize, however, is that they have accidentally exposed their master blueprints of misguided self-importance, previously trying to conceal them in tidy packages named activism and advocacy. While Hollywood sees genius in Treadwell's quest to become a member of a species other than his own, the people who realize the emperor is naked see a vain, manic depressive, egomaniac literally traveling to the most remote sections of the earth to run from every problem he's ever had (including, most likely, his sexual orientation).

Furthermore, an astute audience member can easily see the fundamental difference between so-called activists such as these and more level-headed (certainly more humble) conservatives and actual conservationists. Ask any Christian (or reasonable person for that matter) who has seen the awe-inspiring beauty of God's creation in the Rocky Mountains or the Alaskan wilderness. Invariably they will tell you they were humbled at the magnitude and beauty of the scene while thanking God for taking time out to create "little old me", knowing full well what a small part of such a grand scheme they are. Conversely, time after time we are inundated with Treadwell's unending rants about how important he is. So delusional of own importance is Treadwell, that we see him altering stream paths so he can single-handedly save the grizzly population from starvation... completely disregarding whether or not a drought was nature's way of keeping balance.

I urge everyone to see this film. Hollywood liberals have shown us their cards and exposed their truly unhappy souls.

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