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August 2, 2010
You Are What You See: Watching Movies Through a Christian Lens
Win a FREE COPY of You Are What You See: Watching Movies Through a Christian Lens.

How to win - leave a comment or sending us an email telling us what is your favorite movie and what is your least favorite movie and WHY. The winner will be randomly selected from those who respond.

There is one condition - you must live in the United States to win.

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Click below to read some sample chapters from the book!

Chapter One: Sometimes You Have to Die Before You Can Be Reborn

Chapter Eleven: Christians and Culture: Backseat Driving on the Road to Hell

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Morality Points

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Anonymous Courtney said...

Absolute Favorite: The Quiet Man. It's the best love story, adventure, and most beautifully filmed movie I've ever seen. I make a point of watching it every St. Patrick's Day (if not more often!).

Least Favorite: Waking Life. I watched this at the behest of college friends, and it was as if all the postmodern, atheistic navel-gazing that professors pushed had been crystallized into two seamless hours of horrible boredom.

August 3, 2010 at 10:50 AM  

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