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July 23, 2010
Carnival of Cinema: Episode 111
Welcome to this installment of the Carnival of Cinema. Every two weeks we get together to present the best film-related posts from around the world.


Inception is the release getting the attention this week in the Carnival. Sit back and enjoy a slew of reviews on Nolan's latest yarn.

Jason McKinnon sums up nearly every review of the film by claiming, "Every once in a while, a movie comes along that delivers on the enormous hype it created." Click over to THE ATHLETIC NERD for more.

THE VIDEO DETECTIVE holds similar views. Video Detective also has a post about the possible casting of the role of The Riddler in the third Nolan Batman movie. Need more? Go check out this post about Inception and some other releases.

DR. DEB has a more thoughtful view of Inception - yes, pun intended.

Madge Knight of BEST FOR FILM has an article on Inception. She seems less than overwhelmed. Click over to find out why.

Sick of hearing about Inception, Inception, Inception? How about dropping back a week and getting the drop on Predators? Dann of 100 WORDS OR LESS has exactly 100 words on the rehashed flick.

100 words? Heck, I can sum the movie up in two words. Then again, neither words can be expressed in mixed company.

Let's change course and point away from Hollywood for a moment and check out a film that was screened at the Berlinale this year. Road Movie is the subject of Nitin Sinha's review over at DOUBLETHINK.

Our next review is of the documentary Hori Smoku Sailor Jerry: The Life of Norman K. Collins. Never heard of it? You have now. Go to OMAHA EVENT NEWS and read Jordy Clements' take on the screening of the film.

The final review this week is for Twilight: Eclipse. Eric Gargiulo of CAMEL CLUTCH BLOG has the review.

If you don't want to bother actually seeing Twilight: Eclipse, you can just shortcut the process and simply check out Tito Adjianto's explanation of the plot at GRAFISTHY NEWS.


Carnival regular, Conan Stevens returns this week with a post explaining how he secured a major role in a new HBO TV series. Visit his site CONAN STEVENS WORLD'S BIGGEST ACTION HERO? for this post and other insights into the life of a working actor.

Want to see a movie being made? You can also visit CARTOON JR. There Wendy provides some tips to hunt down local filming locations and to see movies being made.


There is only one list post this week.

URBAN CANDY SHOP has compiled a list of their favorite actresses with guns in the movies.


Need a good round up of the latest movie news? Melina Corrado of MELINA GEEKLY has a good post laying the latest out for you. Click over to read more.

Thanks to everyone for their posts.

...and CUT and PRINT!

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The Carnival of Cinema is intended to increase readership and availability of a broad range of opinions. This wide selection means that not all opinions will be correct or stated well. The content on the sites linked to in this post are not the responsibility of Good News Film Reviews.

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