We begin this week with a slew of reviews.
First up, Matt Adcock of
DARKMATTERS: FROM THE MIND OF MATT reviews the new British horror film
Heartless. He says is comes on "
like a negative alternative to The Shack."
Next in line is Carnival regular Zee from
I WON'T GO BACK OT HOW IT WAS. Zee offers up
a review of Ghost Writer.
FILM FREAK Steve Logwood joins us this week with a look at
A Man for All Seasons.
MANNY THE MOVIE GUY joins the Carnival this week for the first time in a
looooong time. Manny has the low down on
the new A-Team movie.
Next, Aury of
THUNDER DRAKE has a passionate review of
How To Train Your Dragon, a movie that became a eventually became a hit at the time of writing!
Over at
MOVIE REVIEW you will find a movie review of the movie
Saving Private Ryan.
Finally, we close the movie reviews for this week with a from Dann from
100 WORDS OR LESS. This week he presents 100 word reviews of
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time and
Per usual, we have list a lists for the Carnival.
VIDEO DETECTIVE has a post of the
Top 5 Dennis Hopper Movies.
Giving me a chance to once again post my Crazy Melvin picture (
below), SR of
THE MOVIE BLOG gives us two lists. First is the list of the "
Top 10 Unforgettable Movies of Mel Gibson". The second is a list of "
Top Successful Bollywood Celebrity Sons".
The other list maker this week is Mike Ross. Click over to
STAR COSTUMES BLOG to read about
ten of the greatest movies to ever put the "B" in bloodcurdling.
We have a couple bits of movie news for you.
First, according to
ABOUT.COM HORROR & SUSPENSE John Carpenter is on board to
direct Hillary Swank in Fangland. Click on the link to read Mike Harris' update.
The other piece of news is from Eric Gargiulo. At
Metal fans went nuts with the announcement of the Big Four Tour featuring Anthrax, Megadeth, Slayer, and Metallica. Joy soon turned to anger for Americans when it was announced that this was a Europe-only tour. Metal heads fear not as the Big Four Tour is coming to a movie theater near you."
Thanks to everyone for their posts.
...and CUT and PRINT!
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The Carnival of Cinema is intended to increase readership and availability of a broad range of opinions. This wide selection means that not all opinions will be correct or stated well. The content on the sites linked to in this post are not the responsibility of Good News Film Reviews.
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