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May 11, 2010
Movie Trailer: Timer
Go watch the trailer and come back.

No really, go...shoo - go watch it. I'll be right here.

Okay, you're back?

So, do you think the reason why her Timer band is blank is because she's bangin' the drummer/grocery store clerk? Heaven knows what she picks up from that loser. If the rashes weren't bad enough, there's the shame and the guilt...

They set up the concept that a computer can tell when you will find "your one", the love of your life. This inherently supports the notion of an orderly universe under the command of a higher functioning player, let's call this cosmic master "God". So, this God destines people to be with one another, some folks have to wait until middle age and some don't get a shot at all. That's the way the metaphysical cookie crumbles I guess.

This brainy work lays out this notion, probably by accident, and then proposes our destinies are not worth waiting for. Your "one" isn't worth the respect keeping yourself in check. Go ahead, live in the moment. Sleep around and enjoy today.

Explaining the universe the way they do their conclusion is actually evil. Its not wrong, it can honestly be described as evil. Urging people to do the thing that will most likely lead them into unhappiness and destruction is more than just a bad idea. Its the kind of stuff Satan is known for. hmm. whodathunk that could have come from a low budget indie film.

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Anonymous K said...

Since we don't know how the movie actually turns out, then perhaps there's a surprise ending. The guy at the party at the end of the trailer looked like the standard cliche "Mr. Right". So do you suppose she's going to have some difficulty convincing him that she's not really "involved" with the grocery clerk?

May 11, 2010 at 6:57 PM  

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