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March 31, 2010
[REC] (2007)
Should I see it?

Ángela Vidal (Manuela Velasco), a fresh-faced, young, reporter and her cameraman Pablo are shooting a video piece for a late-night show. She is spending time in a firehouse, interviewing the firemen and generally getting in the way. Ángela and Pablo tag along when the firemen are called out. They all enter an apartment building, responding to the reports of a disturbance.

What turns out to be a run-of-the-mill call turns into a nightmare when it becomes apparent that the residents of the apartment building are being infected by a mysterious disease which turns them into...let's all say it together - ZOMBIES. Authorities quarantine the building with Ángela, Pablo and the firemen inside.

The entire film is shot through Pablo's camera. This over-used gimmick actually works in this instance. First, because its logical. Second, directors Jaume Balagueró and Paco Plaza make use of the limited viewpoint of the camera to their benefit. Pablo can only catch so much so as things begin to hit the fan, his frenzied shots allow for some good surprises. It also lends a sense of reality to the proceedings which is notably effective.

Balagueró and Plaza set up the one camera gimmick by spending time with Ángela in the firehouse before the call. She is shown not just doing her on-the-spot interviews but also in her more natural moment between takes. By the time the call comes, the audience has become familiar with the use of the camera, and with Pablo as a character even though he is rarely seen.

The duo directors also effectively build their story. Things begin with some confusion which slowly turns to concern. The horror, the loss of hope, is saved for the end. This is a slow boil, but when it begins to cook it is fantastic.

The downside is the insertion of an anti-Christian message at the end of the film. It is a little like enjoying a nice dance with someone only to have the slap you as you're walking off the dance floor. To be fair, I think most people won't fully digest the message being presented. It is shoehorned in at a moment of high tension. It is there however.

Overall, this is a fun, inventive film worth a look if you don't mind a little gore and lots of subtitles.

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