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March 29, 2010
Død snø "Dead Snow" (2009)
Should I see it?
I can't recommend it, no. That said...

Short Review: Hands down, without a doubt, the BEST movie ever about a gang of Norwegian medical students discovering a band of undead Nazis in the snowy mountains outside of Øksfjord.

It should be obvious that I don't recommend the movie. Look at the top of your browser, read the description of my site and then look at the DVD cover. Yeah, this ain't one I'm giving to mother at Christmas.

With that out of the way...

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I was very surprised by this movie. It is rare for me to be wrong with my estimations when I write about trailers.

In this case, I was wrong.

Yes, I understand that I am talking about a movie about a bunch of goofballs who awaken Nazi zombies on a ski trip. The fact is that even though this is a stupid, frivolous gore-fest, there is much to find impressive.

Co-writer/DirectorDead Snow Tommy Wirkola doesn't have much to work with. His premise is silly and his resources don't appear to be plentiful. He pulls some notable moments out of what should be a terrible, horrible, miserable movie. Wirkola actually has some creepy shots intermixed throughout the film as well. This is remarkable when you remember we're talking about NAZI ZOMBIES. It's like being successful with a movie about zombie clowns.

Wirkola doesn't succeed on his own. His cast is quite strong, again considering the kind of movie we're talking about. There isn't a weak link, but of the whole crew, Charlotte Frogner was the stand out for me. In a simple horror movie such as this, projecting terror is key. She has easy screen presence and was very effective in her role.

Sheesh, I feel like such a dork praising some one's performance as zombie fodder, but there it is.

This is a gory film. Wirkola delivers plenty of blood and guts and in some instances he does so with some cleverness. It is safe to say that if you're squeamish, this isn't for you. Then again, you're probably not in danger of watching this in the first place.

I am a hopeless fan of zombie movies. Yes, I am a Christian but I can't help myself. This makes me pathetic, but it also makes me a connoisseur. This is well above average for the genre and is one of the better zombie flicks I've seen in a few years. It's on the same level as Zack Snyder's Dawn of the Dead but is far below 28 Days Later. Either way, it's a severed head and tails above the miserable nonsense George Romero has been depositing for the past few years.

To sum up, don't bother, this is a terrible zombie film with no redeeming values. As far as terrible zombie movies with no redeeming values go, this is one of the better ones in a long time. It certainly has me keeping my eye out for Wirkola's next film. A little more budget and a little less cheese and he might have something.

Related Reviews:
Zombie movies
The Omega Man (1971)
The Signal (2007)

Other Critic’s Reviews:
28 Days Later Analysis
Beyond Hollywood

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Anonymous Terentia said...

If you're a zombie fan, you must have seen "Zombieland". I'm not a fan of zombie movies but that one had the funniest death seen ever filmed.

March 29, 2010 at 7:16 PM  
Anonymous Scott Nehring said...

I have a review coming on that one. ;)

March 29, 2010 at 8:35 PM  
Anonymous Terentia said...

"scene" not "seen." oops

March 31, 2010 at 12:57 PM  
Anonymous richard mcenroe said...

Well,it's no "Zombie Lake", that's for sure. At least THAT one had the benefit of lots of gratuitous nudity (Zombie Nazis vs. skinny-dipping coeds)...

April 1, 2010 at 9:46 AM  

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