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January 14, 2010
Team America: World Police (2004)
Should I see it?
#$%@ no.

Short Review: This film is not #$%@ eloquent.

Generally, I don’t hold out for much when viewing #$%@ puppets. This film has done nothing to #$%@ change that.

This film made a splash in two-thousand #$%@ four when it was released because of its attack on #$%@ celebrity hubris and #$%@ terrorism. Out of that context the film loses most of its #$%@ punch. What is left is a partially humorous #$%@ ditty with copulating puppets. At its heart it is a #$%@ cheaply written script about #$%@ nothing.

South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey #$%@ Parker are funny and potent satirists. Unfortunately, they are also very #$%@ crass and childish. There are so many #$%@ instances of crudity used senselessly in this #$%@ film I can’t list them in one posting. The whole piece is slathered in harsh curse words for absolutely no purpose. #$%@ Parker and Stone must giggle like twelve year olds when they hear #$%@ or #$%@ because that’s all you hear. Swear words are usually not effective punch lines. If you’re going to #$%@ use them, use them sparingly. Overuse is just #$%@ stupid and juvenile. It shows a lack of thought and cheapens your #$%@ piece.

I’m not going to roll out the usual #$%@ canards about how this stuff is immoral and wrong like South Park. What would be the #$%@ point? If you can't figure that out you must be a #$%@'in #$%@. These guys are not eloquent and their efforts are certainly not for #$%@ kids. They give dead-on satire in many cases in their movies and in their show, but the #$%@ problem is that they have no #$%@ sense of when enough is enough. Just because something makes you #$%@ laugh in a story meeting doesn’t mean its going to be funny #$%@ years later on DV #$%@ D.

I appreciate the politics and the #$%@ attack on celebrities but because of the #$%@ curse words I simply can not #$%@ recommend this #$%@ film.

Related Reviews:
Political #$%@ movies
Michael Moore #$%@ Hates America (2004)
Rated-R: Republicans in Hollywood (2003)

Other Critic's #$%@ Reviews:
Celluloid Heroes
#$%@ FilmCritic.com

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Anonymous Robert M. Lindsey said...

@#$%*&^ great review!

January 14, 2010 at 10:42 AM  
Anonymous K said...

Don't blame them, blame the culture.

How long would "Southpark" been on the air if they didn't have the cursing, kid killing humor? Answer: it wouldn't have gotten past the first pitch meeting.

Thanks to the prevaling culture, you CAN NOT present conservative or religious themes without making it $#^$% clear that you aren't one of "THEM". "THEM" being the typical bible thumping KKK-NRA member person that everybody (in Hollywood) knows are the real conservatives. Subsequently, if you're going to do a religious themed movie, you need a black person to star in it.


or you need to have lots of cursing - sex references and inappropriate subject matter, like Team America.

January 14, 2010 at 2:11 PM  

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