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January 7, 2009
Movie Recommendations #20: Heist Movies
The narrative is simple: a bunch of criminals conspire to steal something of value, they perform their act of thievery, but there is complications. In the end things begin to fall apart and the conspiracy collapses. Even though the plots are cookie-cutter and many of the films come dangerously close to - or just don't care and openly support the act of theft as a viable means of making some quick cash. Below are three solid heist films that represent some the best in the genre.

Du rififi chez les hommes "Rififi" (1955)

If you like heist films and can stand subtitles, this is a film you must track down. If you’re just into great cinema, again, this is one you must see. This is a thoroughly enjoyable film about French thieves who plot a technically perfect crime. But like all heists in film, things go awry and the adage the "no honor among thieves" becomes quite relevant.

Snatch (2000)

Guy Ritchie's sophomore outing is a flashy, stylized gem. It is littered with low characters and seedy locations. The twisting plot following British thugs and thieves trying to track down a stolen diamond is a thrilling watch. This is a very charismatic movie and shows Ritchie to be an exciting filmmaker capable of crafting unique works.

The downside? Ritchie is a postmodernist and has very little concern for making clear moral arguments. His bad guys are the good guys simply because they're not as bad as everyone else. The criminals are supported by Ritchie, there's no moral code being followed other than "might makes right".

The Usual Suspects (1995)

The best script of the 1990's.

Complex, layered and expertly executed by Bryan Singer, this film is a reminder of what cinema should be. It is hard to believe anyone would be left unsatisfied by this film about a group of criminals handpicked by a legendary crime boss to pull off a job. Sporting one of the great surprise endings ever this is one of those films that you should see at least once.

Note that the movie is loaded with cursing and violence. If you are sensitive to these elements then I unfortunately have to recommend that you should pass this one.




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