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January 27, 2009
Bang the Drum Slowly (1973)
Should I see it?

Short Review:
…so it keeps rhythm with the plot.

It’s a tired, old joke but it fits - If this guy only had a few months to live, he should have watched his own movie. The time would have crawled. I know, I know, I’m supposed to be wildly enthusiastic about this heart-wrenching story about a dimwit baseball catcher and his pals after he learns he’s terminally ill. This film is absolutely unbearable. I’ve seen less sanctimonious films on the Lifetime Channel. From the opening to the far too off ending, this overcooked tearjerker pleads with you to care.

The dialog in this film is heavy with the fact that it is dialog. What I mean is that the lines are written to be lines. I never felt like the characters were actually talking to one another. The language used was so awkward it was like watching people who know they’re on camera. The story line itself is equally contrived and hollow.

I assume folks who love this film will assail upon me. All I ask is that you tell me what you see in this film. I see a ponderous and contrived after-school-special that may have worked thirty years ago but hasn’t aged well at all. What did you get out of it?

Related Reviews:
Baseball films
Eight Men Out (1988)
Field of Dreams (1989)

Other Critic's Reviews:
Roger Ebert

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