If you're looking for some movies that your whole family can enjoy, try these out for size.
The Incredibles (2004)
The best recommendation I can give to this movie is that when it was done I actually hoped that they had plans for a sequel. I know it's a cartoon, ahem - sorry it's animated, but I honestly see this as one of the tightest, best written films in years. The script for this movie is fantastic. It is a text book for how to do it right. Firmly structured, set-ups and payoffs and solid characterizations - wonderful.
Pixar makes great movies and is the most consistent production company perhaps of all time. This is their best film and given their catalog, that's saying something. This is good for not only kids but for adults as well.
The Sandlot (1993)

This is a weak recommendation but I have my reasons for putting it out there for you. This is a by-the-numbers movie without cleverness or any flash. A bunch of rough and tumble neighborhood kids play baseball and enjoy their youth. It's
The Wonder Years with more sports and less charm. Personally, I find this to be an annoying film and I don't watch it. My sons are a completely different story. The two (five and seven) absolutely adore this movie. If I give them their choice of movie, more times than not this is their pick. Based on their reaction, not mine, I recommend this to your family if you have boys.
The Nativity Story (2007)

The film
is very well written and directed. Some have had issues with Castle-Hughes’ performance as Mary. I will agree that she isn’t brimming with charisma but I think she still did a good job expressing the fear a teenage girl would have being thrust into history like Mary was. One day she is living a normal life, the next she is the mother of the Christ. I think she gets across the fear and then acceptance that Mary faced. The real star of the piece is Oscar Issac as Joseph however. He handles his role and the conflicting issues swirling around the character very well and provides a likable lead. His vibrant performance compensates for Castle-Hughes more timid presence. I do recommend this film even outside of the Christmas season. It is obviously a great story and told in this fashion, I do believe it gives the story more power. To understand the potency of The Bible and its stories you have to see it not as just scripture and history but as human drama involving real, flesh and blood humans. Once you begin to see the people of scripture as what they were, people like you, the scriptures themselves become more alive. This film shows this wonderfully.
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