The issue of race is obviously a touchy one. Hollywood tends to play things very safe when dealing with the issue. Race issues usually come in safe packages where the racists are mouth-breathing, booger-eating white rednecks who are easily dispatched or converted from their hateful ways. Too often these simple films involve blacks trying to get respect playing sports (
Remember the Titans,
Glory Road,
Pride, and on and on) instead of achieving something of real use. Instead of the enormity of African-American achivement being celebrated we're asked to be proud that some kids got to play ball. We need more
Something the Lord Made and
In the Heat of the Night and less
Coach Carter.
Societies take many cues about stereotypes and social norms from the movies they see. All groups, not just African-Americans, should be mindful of how their group is being portrayed in film. All groups are partially defined to other groups in society through our entertainment industry. The messages given have real impact. Are you shown as hapless, shuffling victims? Do people of your race only find peace when saved by righteous liberals from the East Coast or are you shown having self determination? Even movies denouncing racism can have stereotypes or undersell the achievements of a group that can be hurtful.
Labels: miscellaneous, movie watching tip
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