Should I see it?

This is a big fat McMovie, and a very charming one at that. Remaking the Rat Pack flick of the same name, George Clooney, Brad Pitt and Matt Damon front an ensemble that includes Elliot Gould, Bernie Mac and Don Cheadle. The titular Ocean (Clooney), and his cohorts, plot to steal from three big ticket casinos all at the same time. Each of these casinos are owned and operated by Terry Benedict (Andy Garcia). Benedict is a ruthless, streetwise business man who will kill the thieves if they get caught.
Little is made of the moral questions at the heart of the piece, we are rooting for the bad guys after all, they're just not as bad as the real bad guy Benedict. Director Steven Soderbergh guides the audience away from the criminality or morality of what's being done on screen and he focuses on making us like these villains as much as possible. He succeeds in delivering a charming film that entertains but at its core, this movie's moral sleight of hand is a bit too manipulative. I'm certain there's readers who would say "So what? So they rip off a casino? Settle down and just relax, its just a movie!" Stealing is wrong and a film that promotes it is likewise wrong. Screenwriters Ted Griffin (Matchstick Men), clearly understands how to present his story. To steer us away from judging what Ocean and company are doing as being inherently wrong, he makes sure to muddy the moral waters by giving these thieves some honor. They are robbers with rules, those rules are #1 No blood. #2 Rob only who deserves it. #3. Do it as if you have nothing to lose. This is very clever since the rules assure the audience that while these guys steal, they won't hurt anybody, they're not really that threatening. They only hurt people we can all agree have it coming, who can be against the really "bad" people getting hurt? The final rule gives the illusion they are stealing out of need, they have "nothing to lose" which also reduces the reflexive moral judgment because as we all know, there's a difference between stealing for greed and stealing to eat. This and other tricks to distract the audience from what is really happening on screen are done for a single reason - the filmmakers know what they're showing is actually wrong. I know its a fun film but sometimes adults needs to step back and really look at what they're consuming. Related Reviews:
Ocean's 12 (2004)
Ocean's 13 (2007)
Other Critic's Reviews:DVD Verdict
FilmHead Labels: Andy Garcia, Brad Pitt, Don Cheadle, film, George Clooney, Matt Damon, movie review
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