With the technical achievements of streaming video on the Internet, movie marketing has gotten a whole lot easier. Dump your trailers online and site owners like myself will post them - free advertising.
One of the things that has changed recently is the push of "Red Band Trailers" online. Red Band Trailers are R-Rated trailers that contain foul language, heavy violence and suggestive material. The traditional Green Band Trailer are Rated-PG, and are the types of trailers people are used to seeing in the theater. Since the Internet doesn't have any restrictions, marketers are delivering marketing products that will cut through the massive amount of trash online and will titillate their young demographic (meaning sex and violence). While this may seem harmless enough, the Red Band Trailers are usually tossed in with normal trailers on sites that compile such files. This means that R-Rated material is even more accessible by children. In addition, the coarsening of marketing is another kink in our culture. As the corporations drain the mainstream of any semblance of self-respect and culture the Red Band Trailer is opening up everyday marketing to more salacious material as well.
Labels: miscellaneous, movie watching tip
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