Every filmmaker infuses their work with an agenda, something they want to say. No filmmakers goes through the monumental pain of making a film and not have something specific to say about the world when they're done. Even seemingly stupid, thoughtless movies like the
Deathwish series comes with a point-of-view.
I understand the term "agenda" is a loaded term. I don't mean to say that every filmmaker is driven by a clear, burning political motive. Each director and/or producer comes to the film with a set of values and a way of seeing the world. They utilize the medium of film to express these values to us, their audience. This is why film is considered an "art" and not a craft. This also means that as an audience we need to pay attention to the agenda of the filmmakers. Are they intending to promote vigilantism, as in the
Deathwish movies? Do they want to promote a nihilist worldview like The Ring or in Woody Allen's movies? Do they have a specific political agenda like what is seen in the remake of
The Manchurian Candidate,
The Day After Tomorrow or
Happy Feet?
Identifying the agenda being presented when you're watching a movie will soften its impact and lessen the film's ability to manipulate your opinions.
Labels: miscellaneous, movie watching tip
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