Should I see it?Yes.

This is a very pleasant movie about a not so pleasant subject - teenage pregnancy. The titular character portrayed by Ellen Page (
X-Men: The Last Stand) is a pregnant sixteen year old who opts to have the baby and give it to a well suburban couple who are more flawed than they first appear. Juno wisecracks her way through the emotional minefield of her unexpected pregnancy with the help of her father Mac (J. K. Simmons).
Much has been made about the film's screenwriter Diablo Cody. No other writer has garnished this much attention since Quinten Tarantino emerged in the early nineties. Former Minnesota stripper breaks into the business makes good copy and its clear the woman knows how to write characters and has a flair for snappy dialog. Her gift is also her curse however. The snappy dialog does grow tiresome after a while. One can watch a sixteen year old fire back perfect comebacks and wiseacre wisdom for only so long. Cody obviously channels herself through Juno's dialog - honestly, what sixteen year old is going to reflexively spew out a Diana Ross reference? Cody's heavy manipulation may have fell hard if not for the likable performance by Page. This film establishes Page's career and announces the arrival of a new matinee presence. She handles the strange duality of this character with an infectious charm - the duality being a confused and scared sixteen year old girl who happens to have the thought process and cynical humor of a former stripper from Minnesota.
The film is far from perfect and has been over-hyped by both critics and pro-life groups. This is an endearing movie that handles a heavy subject with some flair. Its not a great film but it is a darn good one, and in this age of remakes and superhero flicks, it's seems like it reinvents the wheel.
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Other Critic's Reviews:
Beyond Hollywood
Labels: Diablo Cody, Ellen Page, film, J K Simmons, Jason Bateman, Jennifer Garner, Michael Cera, movie review
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