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September 2, 2010
Land of the Lost (2009)
Should I see it?

Land of the Lost is a classic Saturday morning show from the 1970's. Unless you're in your early 40's, you probably don't know much about the original series. Speaking as someone who, as a child, watched this show each weekend, I can say it was about as cool as Saturday morning shows got. Well, Super Friends and Dr. Shrinker were pretty dang cool as well - but this series really stood out.

This remake isn't just disappointing, it is an abomination. I don't say this because the cast and crew mishandled reviving the show. They did, but the poor quality of the movie isn't it's biggest issue. These dishonorable louts, being dishonorable, didn't have the sense to refrain from using swearing and drug and sex references. Yes, they are remaking a series remembered by middle-aged folk. How many of these middle-aged folks took their children to this film assuming it wouldn't be littered with the low-brow and disgusting?

I used to be a Will Ferrell fan. I've quoted my Geddy Lee lovin' brother-in-law's description of the man - he is a one trick pony, but it is one heckuva trick. That trick has expired. Anyone willing to make a movie obviously geared to children and include the jokes displayed here is not worthy of conducting himself on a public stage.

Putting aside the irresponsible aspects of the movie, which is a little like putting aside the topic of heat when talking about the Sun, the production is still a loss. It fails to find the adventurous spirit of the original series, it fails to produce any laughs and the dialog is simple. Even if they had left the crud out, it still would not be worth wasting your time on.


Related Reviews:
Will Ferrell movies
Step Brothers (2008)
Semi-Pro (2008)

Other Critic's Reviews:
Roger Ebert
Urban Cinefile

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Anonymous K said...

I used to be a Will Ferrell fan

Really? Even after Talladega Nights?

I made the mistake of renting that movie believing the reviews that it was actually funny. Since mocking "white trash" Southerners and believers doesn't really leave me in stitches, the "fast forward" was used extensively during the performance.

From what I've seen he's got the Chevy Chase syndrome - his ego won't really let him get totally into the part of his standard stupid or foolish character without some nudge nudge wink wink indication to the audience that he's just acting and is really a brilliant guy.

I think he'll go down as the no where near as funny and even more annoying Robin Williams of the oughties.

September 4, 2010 at 12:17 AM  
Anonymous Scott Nehring said...

I was a fan of his up to Talladega Nights. I'll admit to laughing at much of that film - primarily because of Gary Cole, but I laughed just the same. That admitted, it was lacking. It was a weak moment. Forgive me.

He started going down hill right after Anchorman when his fame began in earnest. He started taking studio chump roles like Bewitched, Kicking and Screaming and The Producers and he didn't develop his shtick - he just kept at the same gag. You describe it perfectly.

He was a legend in his own time - already old news. He is this generation's Dan Ackroyd - the big should-have-been.

September 4, 2010 at 12:35 AM  

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