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May 28, 2010
The Carnival of Cinema: Episode 107 - Bloggerland
Welcome to this installment of the Carnival of Cinema. Every two weeks we get together to present the best film-related posts from around the world.

To submit your post please fill out the application form here.


Let's gets things started this week with some reviews:

First we have Nigel Beale of NIGEL BEALE NOT A BENE BOOKS giving us a critique of Ridley Scott's Robin Hood.

Next up, Gracchi from WESTMINSTER WISDOM reviews Igmar Bergman's Three Strange Loves.

Vaprak of THE CRITICAL CRITICS returns with a look at Iron Man 2.

FLICK FREAK Steve Logwood gives his thoughts on two short films Trunk and I Reveal.

The final review for this week comes from Dan of 100 WORDS OR LESS. This week he gives us his take on Shrek Forever After.


This week we have some film-related lists that are of interest.

Lisa from GRANDMA'S BRIEFS offers a list of the "12 films that intersected with points in my life"

Another list comes from Chad Musig. He has a list of the 10 Hollywood Rescues to Die For. How does that work? They rescue someone and I die? For more go to FIRE SCIENCE SCHOOLS.


For some film news check out Tom's post about Tribeca 2010 over at CELEBRITY MAGNET.

In other news, Bioware has announced that there will be a film adaptation of Mass Effect. FICTION TECHIE promises that Uwe Boll will not be directing.

The final piece of news comes from VIDEO DETECTIVE. Grease will be re-re-re-re-released this summer with a new twist. Grease will be presented as a sing-a-long in movie theaters.


With his second post in this week's edition, Gracchi has a retrospective on Citizen Kane. Click over to WESTMINSTER WISDOM for the post.

If the best film ever made isn't your taste, maybe cheesy horror will satisfy your need to read.

Over at ABOUT.COM HORROR & SUSPENSE Bruce LeRoy has a brief history of 3D horror movies.


This week in miscellaneous film-related posts...

From COMMUNICATIONS 3.0, Matt Eventoff writes about The Oscars and the Art of Public Speaking. If he's writing about public speaking on a site named Communications - shouldn't his last name be Event-on?

Next, Madeleine Begun Kane of MAD KANE'S HUMOR BLOG has a poem titled Chick Flick Flack.

The final post of the week comes from GrrlScientist. GrrlScientist of LIVING THE SCIENTIFIC LIFE discusses the Bechdel Test for Women in Movies. Have no idea what the Bechdel Test is? Click over to find out.

Thanks to everyone for their posts.

...and CUT and PRINT!

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The Carnival of Cinema is intended to increase readership and availability of a broad range of opinions. This wide selection means that not all opinions will be correct or stated well. The content on the sites linked to in this post are not the responsibility of Good News Film Reviews.




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