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April 21, 2010
Outlander (2009)
Should I see it?
Yes - if you leave your expectations behind.

Short Review: This answer would have happened if Army of Darkness was done with a straight face.

Guy From Outer Space (James Caviezelelzelal) is being chased by a dragon-like alien. He crashes his Guy From Outer Space spaceship on Earth. Guy From Outer Space then finds he has plopped down in the middle of Viking lands. Guy From Outer Space joins with the Vikings to fight the dragon-like alien. Oh, and he does his best to land a hot viking chick in his spare time because...well, "Hey look! Hot viking chick!"

There is no avoiding the intrinsic stupidity of this production. The contrivance at the center of the plot is far too strained to ignore. The whole Guy from Outer Space being chased by a dragon-like alien routine stinks of someone needing a hook to sell his pitch of the story. Yes, it makes Guy From Outer Space a double-fish out of water, he's from outer space and he's dealing with grubby Medieval vikings. This is interesting. However, McCain has to force a number of conveniences to make his movie work like learning the language via technology - he may as well have had him look to the audience and say "Okay, this ain't gonna work unless I can talk to them so let's pretend that barrier doesn't exist."

Admitting the idiocy, this is still a fun movie to watch. McCain is smart enough to know when he's being stupid and while he plays things straight, he doesn't overdo his material. He sticks to the formula and makes it work somehow. Actually, I can't place my finger on why this worked for me. It is a predictable action movie with very little frills. It does work however.

If you are looking for a simple movie that is not going to challenge you on any level, this is a good pick. It is stupid and it is forgettable but I found it to be a satisfying formula movie - the kind of movie you can play while you're multitasking.

Before you run out to find it, I am warning you now, this is stupid, stupid, stupid and it is paint-by-the-numbers. All I can say is that I despite the rudimentary plotting, I still enjoyed the movie. Consider yourself warned.

Oh, the movie has Ron Perlman as a viking lord. C'mon, it gets extra points for that alone.

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Other Critic’s Reviews:
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