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February 14, 2010
Non-Film Related Post of the Day: Geez, You Mean Global Warming Was a Lie? Really? Whodathunk?



Anonymous K said...

Unfortunately, AGW will be back. Likely inside of 4 years, perhaps even sooner. What's happening now is that some left wing researchers got over committed and got their hands caught in the cookie jar.

But there are plenty more where they came from who said nothing about shabby research - mainly because they're on a 7 billion dollar gravy train. The only way this will play out to drive a stake through AGW is if climate science is shaken out and everything started over from a real scientific basis. I put the likelyhood of that as aproximately zero, because the scientific establishment itself right now is corrupt. The CRU are just the tip of the iceberg.

February 15, 2010 at 12:01 AM  

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