Below is one of the posters for Oliver Stone's George W. Bush "biography"
W. this coming from the Oliver Stone who said "
I'm a dramatist who is interested in people, and I have empathy for Bush as a human being..."?
Oh wait! I get it! It's like he's The Thinker, but he's pooping!
OH! Hilarious!Those who around me know that I'm hardly a prude. I have to say that I think this takes things too far. Knock yourself out with the kick in the knees at Bush. I'll be glad to see him out of office in a few months. Taking shots at Presidents is fair game. The fact is that the industry had their fun with Clinton with
Primary Colors. But on the toilet taking a dump? Really? In an ad? This is where our culture is at?
You lost me at displaying a sitting President like this, heck even a former Prez, particularly in an ad. Clinton had to suffer indignities (most of his own making - he shouldn't have been diddling the help) but thankfully the entertainment industry showed some restraint. If you wanted the real scurrilous stuff you had to tune into the nightly news with all of their artists renderings, graphs and step-by-step breakdown like they were mulling over JFK's last moments. Sure you can cobble together offensive cartoons and whatnot but I'm talking about an actual ad campaign. You bedwetters on the left - does this really sell the movie for you? Some pillow-biting lib is unsure if he wants to see the movie and casts his eye on ol' W. grunting and that gets him fired up?
Again, I'm no fan of G.W. Bush but for do we really need to see him "dropping the Browns off at the Super Bowl"?
I guess that last line kinda thins my argument a little.
Labels: miscellaneous, movie poster
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