Should I see it?
Short Review: This is a time-travel movie. After watching it, I wanted to travel back in time to when I decided to rent it and kick myself in the shins.

Being upset that this movie isn’t any good is like being upset after not winning the lottery. The odds were rather low from the onset.
All one needs to do is take a gander at the cast list: Adrian Brody (The Pianist, Summer of Sam, The Thin Red Line,) Jennifer Jason Leigh (In The Cut, eXistenZ, The Anniversary Party) and Minnesota native Kelly Lynch (Mr. Magoo, Joe Somebody, Virtousity.) Some actors seem compelled to align themselves with haughty, heady films that are so consumed with being important they wind up being meaningless. These three cover dozens of bad movies like it was specially their job to make these yawn fests.
Brody and Leigh are given respect in the industry as being great “independent” actors. Wha? These two play themselves in every role they touch. There’s no great acting going on here. Brody does his doe eyed, quiet guy thing and Leigh does her “I’m smart but horribly messed up” thing no matter the role. As actors they are neither compelling nor welcoming. Given their track records you’d think they’d have to prove their worth. As it is, after a while actors get a kind of tenure. It doesn’t matter how shoddy and unsuccessful their body of work actually is, it is imaginary aura of importance that gets them by. In my opinion, if you have made five empirically horrible movies, you should have to resign from making them altogether.
To actually talk about this movie directly, it is a boring mess. It has some interesting visual elements but so does my computer’s screen saver. It doesn’t mean I want to spend a hundred minutes staring at it? The storyline about a man who through isolation therapy he receives in a asylum sees his own death in a few days time, is surprisingly without tension or reason. There's some efforts to be creepy but these elements are so obtuse they distract from the floundering dialog and thin characters. Across the board, this movie wants to be more than what it is, a haphazard psychological thriller with no thrills.
I’m sure you haven’t even heard of this movie and you’re best off keeping it that way. If you’ve condemned yourself to seeing this waste of time take efforts to not pay full price, you’d only be hurting yourself.
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Labels: Adrien Brody, film, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Keira Knightley, movie review
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