For the heck of it I thought I would put together a simple meme about movies.
1. Which actor do you think hasn't gotten the attention he/she deserves?
2. What is your favorite movie line?
3. What is the absolute worst movies you've ever seen?
4. Is there a movie you hated when you first saw it and then later had to admit you were wrong?
5. What is your biggest guilty pleasure movie - the one you're ashamed you enjoy?I will tag the following folks with this meme but if you're up for taking it on go on ahead. I ask that you offer a link back here and that you tag three other people.
Consider yourself tagged:
Darrell -
And my responses:
1. Which actor do you think hasn't gotten the attention he/she deserves?
I'm going to have to go with Anna Faris. Most will recognize her as the lead from the Scary Movie flicks. Her connection with those low brow, stews of stupidity has marked her somewhat which makes sense (the image to the left is a good indication of her whole repetoire). The stink of bad movies is hard to wash out. Despite her previous horrid choices, she is a clear comedic talent and has been wasted on the trashy films that populate her resume. With the recent release of the star vehicle The House Bunny, she is getting a higher profile which will hopefully translate to better projects. The best display of her sardonic brand of comedy can be found in the passable Just Friends where she portrays Samantha James, a vacant minded Brittany Spears knock-off.
2. What is your favorite movie line?
Raiders of the Lost Ark:
Sallah: Indy, you have no time. If you still want the ark, it is being loaded onto a truck for Cairo.
Indiana: Truck? What truck?
The reason I love Indiana's line is due to how straight forward it is when taken in context. It is a forceful, character driven line that sends the whole movie in a new direction. Part of it is Harrison Ford's delivery mixed with how the shot is handled, but it seems to me that there isn't a better example of a hero's single-minded obsession with his quest.
3. What is the absolute worst movies you've ever seen?
Oliver Stone's Natural Born Killers. There is absolutely nothing of value coming from this horrible film. Oliver Stone is a pompous filmmaker and this outing is him at his most arrogant. Wanting to express how violent and amoral American culture is, Stone presents a hyper violent, sanguine ode to his own self-importance. He obviously doesn't see people such as himself as being part of the problem but rather distanced observers of the culture.
The movie is clumsy social commentary and far too forced to be effective. The film follows Mickey and Mallory a modern-day Bonnie and Clyde who go on a vicious killing spree murdering everyone who gets in their way. The childish concept stems from the juvenile mind of Quentin Tarantino. It's a little too much to ask that a film pretending to condemn American culture for being too violent has any connection with Tarantino, a man who has probably done more to promote the mainstreaming of torture porn than any other filmmaker.
To makes things worse, following the initial release to videotape there was an extended version offered that promised scenes of decapitations and more violent content on its back cover. Watch this indictment of American culture now with even more violence! Sickening.
4. Is there a movie you hated when you first saw it and then later had to admit you were wrong?
Kung-Fu Hustle. The first time I saw it I thought it was visually interesting but otherwise a bore.
Upon further viewings the stupid thing has grown on me. Sometimes it takes more than once to get something through my incredibly thick head.
5. What is your biggest guilty pleasure movie - the one you're ashamed you enjoy?I come from blue-collar roots so I gotta tell ya' I actually enjoyed
Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector.
I don't recommend the film, but I laughed and enjoyed myself.
I am shamed.
Labels: links, miscellaneous, movie meme
Ahem ... I'm already working my way through your last challenge ... movies you might have missed. And I have a ways to go on that.
So afterwards, I'll do this one! :-)
No pressure. Just like getting your opinions on stuff - like a liberal who listens to Limbaugh, I just gotta hear from those who disagree with me.
I was gonna blog about politics, believe it or not ... but I'm on this instead. I'll post a link in a bit.
I find some redeming qualities in Natural Born Killers ... but you've argued against it so well that I'm ashamed of myself. ;)
Here's my list.
Here's my two bits.
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