Many people concerned with the content of films cite the heavy use of violence in films as a marker of how low our culture has fallen. I agree that torture porn movies (
Wolf Creek,
Hostel) and slasher films (
Nightmare on Elm Street,
Scream) usually are horrible and should be approached with extreme caution by all audiences. But for those who automatically disregard a film because it contains violence, I think they are being too restrictive.
It is not the presence of violence, even graphic violence, that is of concern. It is the context that violence takes place in that is important.
Saving Private Ryan,
Gladiator, even
Passion of the Christ all have graphic, disturbing moments of violence. They each are worthy of being seen. Now, I understand some people are sensitive and I don't intend to lure those who have honest issues seeing violence into something that will harm them. For the general adult audience member, I'd say its acceptable to take in violent imagery if:
- The violence is not shown for its own sake, meaning its not there to titillate but a needed part of the story.
- It happens in a moral context. The sense of right and wrong is retained and supported in some fashion by the act.
- The consequences of the violent act are shown. There is remorse, conviction, or at least some moral fallout on those guilty of the act.
Audiences shouldn't simply accept all acts of violence with a yawn nor dismiss them all as evil. Consider what you're watching, be an active audience member and feel free to make judgments about what you're seeing. The biggest piece of advice I have is the most obviously one: if you're watching a moment of violence and it makes you uncomfortable or ill, skip it. They put a fast forward button on the remote for a reason.
Labels: miscellaneous, movie watching tip
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