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March 22, 2007
About Your Humble Host
Hello, my name is Scott Nehring. I have been an independent movie reviewer since 2004 and have reviewed thousands of films. My reviews have been published on a number of websites from the United States, Australia and India. These reviews have been published on my own sites along with Reuters.com, USA Today.com and a variety of local news stations across America. As a former screenwriter, I am focused on balancing my love of story structure and cinema with my Christian faith. I teach film classes to Christians, teaching them how to "read" films and how to deal with the sometimes thorny subject of engaging modern culture. I am currently working on a book based on these classes tentatively titled You Are What You See: Viewing Films Through a Christian Lens.

I built this site to specifically discuss film and Christianity. I have found that many Christians are completely lost when it comes to the cinema. This is mostly due to an ignorance of the art of film and the meanings the works coming out of the cinema convey. I have also found that many Christians are too restrictive in their cinematic tastes. I hope to open my readers to some great works, as I find them, and help them avoid the trash that is always spewing from the film industry.

I can be contacted at carnivalofcinema [at] g mai l [dot] com




Anonymous Anonymous said...

... thought you might be interested in Britannica's new blog series:

Hollywood Haunted : A New Blog Series (10 Oscar-Related Ghost Stories in Honor of the Academy Awards)

The two weeks of postings are by Laurie Jacobson, author of Hollywood Haunted: A Ghostly Tour of Filmland.

We hope you enjoy the posts, and you and your readers are of course welcome to leave comments.

All the best,

Barbara Schreiber
Britannica Blog
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Chicago, Illinois USA

February 10, 2009 at 9:01 AM  
Anonymous fritz said...

Hi Scott,

I have produced a Christian film that I would like you to review. How can I make that happen?

Fritz Green

April 14, 2009 at 9:26 PM  
Anonymous Scott Nehring said...

e-mail me at carnivalofcinema at g mail dot com

April 14, 2009 at 9:40 PM  
Anonymous robin said...


Dear Scott,

I have directed a feature documentary film A PASSION FOR GIVING that will be appearing on PBS throughout the country in OCT/NOV ...
WNET 13 on Nov 21 and WLIW 21
on Nov 7

A PASSION FOR GIVING is about philanthropy and giving and is meant to
inspire people to help others ... In the documentary I speak with many
prominent philanthropists ... The 50 min film is stylish with great
music and is fun and uplifting to watch !!!


Please view promo on YOU TUBE !!!


I would love to be involved with you in any way to spread the word and raise the conversation of compassion ...

If you would like to use any of my videos from the film or put a link in your info to my website or YOUTUBE video that would of course be fantastic or if we can join forces in any way please let me know !!

Here is some info on A PASSION FOR GIVING !!!

Thanks and Very Best Wishes
Email : passiongiving@gmail.com

Documentary features Dan Ackyroyd, Run DMCs Darryl McDaniels, Ross
Bleckner, Alexandre De Lesseps, Gael Greene, John Sykes, Bob Collacello,
Mr Smiley and a huge cast of characters including many
surprises !!!

New York, New York ( Oct, 2009 ) - Filmmaker Robin Baker Leacock's
new documentary A PASSION FOR GIVING takes a closer look at the
importance of giving and its impact both locally and globally.

The film is produced and directed by Robin Baker Leacock and stylishly
filmed by Emmy-award winning director /cinematographer Robert Leacock
son of legendery cinema verite pioneer Richard Leacock , whose credits
include Madonna's Truth or Dare, Al Pacino's Looking for Richardand
Christy Turlington's Catwalk.
A PASSION FOR GIVING screened at the 2008 Hamptons Film Festival ...

A PASSION FOR GIVING will premiere in Nov on PBS ...

"A Passion For Giving is about the simple gesture of giving," says Robin
Baker Leacock. "My hope is that this film will encourage people to
think of others of first. -- whether giving time, energy or money in
helping people, animals or the environment. That is the coolest thing
that you can do - the most fun thing that you can do - the most sexy
thing that you can do - right now or ever is to help people !!!

In A PASSION FOR GIVING, Baker Leacock explores people's passion for
giving through a series of fun quotes and art, cool music and interviews
with a quite a diverse group of people, just about anyone she came upon
with her camera - some being famous and some not. Subjects in the film
include :
Ross Bleckner and Bob Colacello co-founders of ACRIA;
Gael Greene founder of City Meals on Wheels;
Louise Stephaich for Albert Schweitzer Hopital in Haiti;
Alexandre De Lesseps founder of BlueOrchid orphanage in Burma;
Run DMC's Darryl McDaniels founder of The Felix Organization;
Henry Buhl founder of Soho + Tribeca Partnership;
Missy Hargraves for Wildlife Rescue, John Sykes on behalf of VH1's Save
the Music;
and representatives from the UN Millennium Project
and Habitat for Humanity.

Baker Leacock also has lively conversations about life and generosity
with those who have a need to be helped by others, hopefully inspiring
viewers to give of themselves !!

As an established filmmaker, Robin Baker Leacock's credits include IT
GIRLS for WE: Women's Entertainment Television;

I'll Take Manhattan, which was screened as an official selection at the
Montreal World Film Festival, Berlin International Film Festival and
Hamptons International Film Festival;

And a series of summer documentaries for Plum TV in the Hamptons

November 5, 2009 at 9:10 PM  
Anonymous K said...

Crank 2.

My wife wouldn't come close to the TV while it was on.

I laughed more than any comedy I've seen in 10 years.

But maybe that's just me.

January 20, 2010 at 12:39 AM  
Anonymous K said...

And you still have reviewed "Spirited Away" yet.

January 20, 2010 at 12:40 AM  

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